
Debbie Kettle

formerly blogging at musingsofamerrysoul.wordpress.com

Hi, I’m Debbie. Welcome to the blog. I’m a late 20-something blogging about life, faith and mental health. I’m a newlywed to Matthew and a dog mom to Lacey and we live in sunny SoCal.

I’ve been blogging since I was a teen and writing stories in since I was a kid. I decided to go to school for something I was passionate about and in 2020, graduated with a bachelor’s in communication from San Diego Christian College. 2020 hit like a truck and instead of writing for a living like I dreamed of, I’m back working my part-time college job.

In my free time, I’m working on rebuilding life, enjoying everyday and journeying to getting back to writing as a career. Join me for the ride!